The Netherlands Part 3

Just over a two hour drive back to the site we started on last week. This is our fourth stay here, it’s a nice site, perfect for the beach, cycling and sightseeing. We set up very quickly as we didn’t really put anything away, we just dropped it all in bags for life and put them on the floor. We are on the pitch opposite the one we were on last week. This pitch is a little more open, and better for the sun if and when it decides to show its pretty little face.

In no time at all I’m sat under the canopy, liquorice tea in my cup and my book in hand. What could be better? As the day turns to night, we realise the time it’s 10.30pm. On one side of the site we have the moon…

And on the other the end of a beautiful sunset. How lovely is nature?

Friday morning brings the promise of rain. We decided to head to the supermarket to stock up for the weekend. The rain sets in just after lunchtime and stays around until early evening. An afternoon in, sipping my new tea, listening to Sky Radio play crap songs on a loop and crocheting with the occasional stop to rest my hands and read my book. It is very relaxing in the caravan, even when it’s raining. But for hours on end, cabin fever can start to set in.

Another day and the rain has stopped. A ride into Sluis is on the cards. We rode to Sluis last week and I spotted some wool I wanted so today seems the perfect day to go back and get it. The ride was breezy but a little warmer than days gone by. The cycle lanes are so busy, we very rarely ride on a road and come into contact with traffic. If only the UK was flat, had this much space to put this infrastructure in, maybe we too would be a nation of cyclists. It really is bizarre some of the sights you see. A gent in a suit with his briefcase strapped above his back wheel, ladies in dresses, mums with pods on the fronts of their bikes transporting four young children around. Bikes with trailers for dogs are very popular too. I digress. Tandem parked up amongst the hundreds of bikes and we wander off in search of food. Frites and bitterballen with my favourite, curry ketchup at a cafe on the side of the river is just perfect.

Time to go in search of my wool, it’s busier today than it was last week. I think by the amount of children around that schools may have broken up for the summer.

The weather starts to change, just as our time here is fast running out. A ride along the coast to Breskens and back again. Stopping occasionally to admire the view. Ride in just shorts and T Shirt this time, still a bit of a breeze but this time it’s a warm breeze.

Cycling back we pass cows, deer and peacocks. What a wonderful place this is.

And just like that, our time in The Netherlands has ended. I’m taking home quite a little stash of goodies, a pair of Dutch clogs, curry ketchup, chocolate waffles, mountains of liquorice tea and bags of wool. I’m going to miss this view in the morning.

One last look at our pitch before starting to put it all away. The end of another holiday. The channel tunnel calls. Being back in the caravan does make me realise how much I miss it. They say you should always have a holiday booked before the current one finishes. Well we do, but it involves an airport. Just have to try to sneak in a couple of caravan breaks before the end of the season.

Here’s a link to the site we stayed on.

One thought on “The Netherlands Part 3

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  1. Thanks for sharing. Always enjoy reading about your adventures. Carol and I have now moved from a campervan to a little base camp 2 caravan and we absolutely love it xx

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