The Netherlands

On a cold, wet, windy, autumn morning in June, we loaded the car, hoisted the tandem onto the roof and hitched the caravan onto the back. It’s been 11 months since we last took the caravan out and we were a little nervous. This car hadn’t towed before, the tow ball was newly sanded and we were completely out of practice with what used to be a very smooth packing and hitching up routine.

The new car appeared to pull the caravan seemlessly which took away a little niggle of doubt as to how it would perform after the Volvo. We outran the rain as we headed for the Channel Tunnel and the roads were kind to us.

Once on the train it was time to relax for 35 minutes, that’s the length of time it takes to do the crossing. I realised I hadn’t set the fridge up so sneaked into the caravan to switch it on, don’t worry about our food going off, with the do’s and don’ts about not being able to take dairy or meat across we’d plumped to keep the weight down and shop once we’d pitched up. Little bit of green fluid in the loo so we could have quick wee before we hit European soil.

Four countries in one day, we left England and whizzed through France and Belgium before landing in The Netherlands.

We love it here, it is just perfect for cycling. There is also an ulterior motive to this trip. It’s the annual gathering of Muckers. You might remember from last years blogs, The Boss and a group of folk from all over the world race together on their smart bikes on the internet on a platform called Rouvy. Well, last year they all met in Belgium to cycle the Flanders cobbles, this year the meet is in The Netherlands.

Before that though we have a few days for us. To break the journey up we stop at a site we have stayed at twice before. We are becoming creatures of habit as we age, but we know we like it, it’s on the coast and there are some good routes for the tandem from here. Ten minutes before landing on site the heavens opened. Blooming typical. Miraculously as we pulled up outside reception, it stopped. The deluge had soaked everything leaving puddles to splash across on our way to check in.

Safely on pitch, setting up was harder than normal. We needed to puri clean the aqua roll and pipes, god only knows where I’d put the newly purchased tub. Everything was stored away correctly, if I know we are having frequent trips I just shove things in boxes down the middle of the van. We haven’t used the caravan since August and it’s had a service so everything is stowed away under seats and in lockers. I had stuff everywhere, I just kept telling myself I had to make a mess in order to get the caravan in order.

Bed made, kettle ready to boil, we set off for Lidl, the nearest supermarket for some essentials. I don’t know if it’s me but food seems so much more expensive here, although we do now have a snack cupboard which we don’t have at home.

Shattered, we fell into bed and fell asleep to the sound of rain. Constantly during the night the rain drops fell, little sprinkles then it absolutely poured it down banging on the roof. Early morning it turned to hail then back to rain and then the thunder came. The grass outside threatened to disappear under water and then as if by magic at lunchtime it suddenly stopped. A little bit of blue sky appeared, we decided a quick trip on the tandem to the beach would wake us up and the weather report predicted no more rain for the day. It was then after leaving the aqua roll soaking overnight that The Boss realised he hadn’t actually added the puri clean to the barrel, what a twonka.

A 15 mile round trip to the beach was just what we needed. It blew the cobwebs away and woke us up. It also made me realise that my bum isn’t used to riding without cycling shorts and that normal shorts aren’t quite as comfortable. We sat staring at the sea, breathing it in. The coast is my happy place. I just love the sea, it helps you unwind, relax and recharge.

Day two and the grass outside our door has started to dry out. Back on the bike, a 26 mile round trip today stopping off at the beautiful little town of Sluis before heading towards Knokke on the coast. Sluis is lovely, everyone seems to visit on bikes which is one of the things we love about this country, the infrastructure for cycling and the way everyone owns a bike, the combination of well considered cycling lanes and no hills creates a cycling heaven. We later sat for a while with an ice cream on the sea front watching the world go by, commenting that the locals not only are very tall but there are very few overweight people. It got us wondering but the answer I suppose is that everyone cycles everywhere.

12 thoughts on “The Netherlands

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  1. Missed your meanderings. It Is a long time since we met in Innsbruck. Broadway wasn’t the same without you. Keep traveling may bump into you again one day. Just been to Spain and traveling back through France.


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  2. Good to hear you are both okay 👍 You are right, it doesn’t matter where you are, when you look out on the vast expanse of water and listen to the sounds of the sea it just has such a tranquil relaxing feeling. Enjoy your break and your cycling.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Goed om te horen dat jullie weer zijn begonnen met rondtrekken en dat het jullie nog steeds goed bevalt. Dit kon natuurlijk ook niet anders en werd mede veroorzaakt door bij jullie start aardige buren te krijgen in Cadzand🤣😉

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